Temel Seviye Kotlin Eğitimi
Temel Kotlin dilini kullanarak Android platformunda Mobil uygulamalar geliştirmek.
Eğitimin süresi: 5 gün 30 saat
Temel bilgisayar bilgisi gerekmektedir.

Temel Seviye Kotlin Eğitim İçeriği
- Introduction
- Download and Install(JDK,Eclipse IDE,Intellij IDE)
- Kotlin Keywords
- Kotlin Variables
- Kotlin Type Casting
- Kotlin Operators
- Kotlin Input Output
- Kotlin Comments
- Kotlin String Operations
- Kotlin Basic Array
- Kotlin Multidimensional Array
- First Kotlin Project in Eclipse IDE
- First Kotlin Project in IntelliJ IDE
- Run First App
- If-Else Expression
- When Expression
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Do-While Loop
- Kotlin Ranges
- Kotlin Repeat
- Return and Jump
- Continue Structure
- Break
- Functions
- Recursion
- Kotlin default and named arguments
- Class and Objects
- Kotlin Constructors
- Kotlin Inheritance
- Visibility Modifiers
- Inner Classes
- Kotlin abstract class
- Kotlin Interfaces
- Kotlin Override
- Kotlin Super Class
- Nested and Inner Class
- Kotlin Data Class
- Kotlin Sealed Class
- Enum classes
- Null Safety
- Generics
- Exception Handling
- Kotlin try catch
- Multiple catch blocks
- Nested try catch
- Throw keyword
- Kotlin try expression
- Kotlin Custom Exception
- Sample Project
- Creat File
- Read Contents of a File
- File as List
- Write Content to a File
- Append Text to a File
- Check File
- Copy File
- File Iterate
- Delete Files
- File Extension
- Sample Project
- Introduction
- Creating Thread
- thread() Function
- Extending Thread
- Implementing Runnable Interface
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Launch
- Async
- RunBlocking
- Sample Project
- Collections Overview
- Constructing Collections
- Iterators
- Sequences
- Filtering
- Grouping
- Ordering
- Aggregate Operations
- Write Operations
- List Operations
- Set Operations
- Map Operations
- Sample Project
- Introduction GUI
- Swing JFrame
- Swing JLabel
- JCheckBox
- Swing icons
- Swing menu
- JDialog
- JScrollPane
- Event Handling
- Sample Project
- Introduction
- Using JDBC(MySql,MSSQL)
- Database Connect
- Database Query
- Database Insert
- Database Update
- Database Delete
- Sample Project
- Defining a Lambda
- Type Inference
- Type Declaration
- Returning from a Lambda
- Using It
- Implementing Lambdas
- Lambda Object Variable
- Lambda Literal
- Method References
- Lambda Functions
- Sample Project
- Projects