Linux Trainings

Linux Trainings

Linux has adapted to the business world. Because most of the web servers run on Linux platforms, it is becoming an increasingly important operating system today. Whether it’s RedHat, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS, this tutorial will help you get familiar with at least some basic processes, access them directly, understand IT reports, or better understand security concerns.


With this course, you can learn from basic administrative tasks to migration and troubleshooting. Additionally, you can have the information you need to improve and streamline your Zimbra deployment. You can also learn best practices and methodologies to save administrative time.

✓ The training is 5 days 30 hours.


You can learn the concepts of OpenStack Platform. You can also gain competence in issues such as installing, configuring, using and maintaining. Additionally, you can master topics such as identity (Keystone), block storage (Cinder), display (Look), network (Neutron), compute and controller (Nova), and dashboard (Horizon).

✓ The training is 5 days 30 hours.

Basic Linux

With this training, you will understand the basics of the Linux operating system and apply this knowledge in a practical and useful way. Additionally, What is a Linux distribution and which one can you choose? You can have the ability to perform the basic Linux commands that you will use most often, such as creating, renaming, moving and deleting directories, listing files, reading, creating, editing, copying and deleting.

✓ The training is 5 days 30 hours.

Advanced Linux

This training can provide you with all the information you need to know to have an advanced Linux structure knowledge. In addition, you can master advanced Linux commands learning, network management, etc.

✓ The training is 5 days 30 hours.


With OpenLDap training, you can learn topics such as comparison with web and relational databases, input structure, tree structure, simple searches, attributes, syntax and object Classes, RootDSE and underchema subentry LDAP Operations, LDIF command line tools, GUI tools.

✓ The training is 5 days 30 hours.